Microsoft Access
Make Microsoft Access forms more user-friendly with big navigation controls [Instant Productivity Free Tutorial]
Not everybody is as confident with Microsoft Access databases as you are. Most users feel intimidated and afraid – rightly so – to make mistakes. So make their use of the database easier with big navigation controls. In a previous tip, you learned how to Find records...
Create and apply your own AutoFormat style to Microsoft Access forms [Instant Productivity Free Tutorial]
You spent some time making your form look nice and now you need to apply the same design to all the forms in your Microsoft Access database project. Use AutoFormat to save your design and to apply to other forms. Video: Create and apply your own AutoFormat style to...
Instant Productivity: Find records faster with a dropdown in Microsoft Access forms [Free Tutorial]
As your database grows, navigating through records using the built-in Navigation Buttons of Microsoft Access forms becomes tedious. Make finding records, such as your customers, much easier by adding a dropdown list on your Microsoft Access form. Watch the video below...