A tri-colour in Excel? Is feider linn. Contextures blog did it using a column chart, removing the gaps between bars and customising colours. A simple project with useful techniques thrown in.
Happy St Patrick’s Day from Business Brains.
St Patrick’s Day Excel Chart
How To Make the Flagvia Excel Go Brach – Excelebrations | Contextures Blog.And after you finish your flag, you can learn how to pronounce Éirinn go Brách, just in time for your St. Patrick’s Day parties.
- typed 100 in three cells on the worksheet
- made a column chart from that data.
- set the gap width to zero, to remove the space between the columns
- selected each column individually, and changed its colour, using the RGB settings shown above
- set the maximum for the vertical axis to 100
- removed all the gridlines, axes, labels and titles
- dragged the plot area, so it filled the entire chart area
- changed the size of the chart to 3″ wide by 1.5″ high