A tri-colour in Excel? Is feider linn. Contextures blog did it using a column chart, removing the gaps between bars and customising colours. A simple project with useful techniques thrown in.

Happy St Patrick’s Day from Business Brains.


St Patrick’s Day Excel Chart

How To Make the Flag
  1. typed 100 in three cells on the worksheet
  2. made a column chart from that data.
  3. set the gap width to zero, to remove the space between the columns
  4. selected each column individually, and changed its colour, using the RGB settings shown above
  5. set the maximum for the vertical axis to 100
  6. removed all the gridlines, axes, labels and titles
  7. dragged the plot area, so it filled the entire chart area
  8. changed the size of the chart to 3″ wide by 1.5″ high
And after you finish your flag, you can learn how to pronounce Éirinn go Brách, just in time for your St. Patrick’s Day parties.
via Excel Go Brach – Excelebrations | Contextures Blog.